The Nature Capital Carbon Registry validated by RINA in accordance to ISO 14068 and VCMI guidelines, prevents illicit profits from projects that fail to meet minimum carbon credit requirements and protect investors from low-quality initiatives. It excludes harmful practices, such as monocultures, which can damage local biodiversity, and promotes solutions with measurable environmental benefits, including CO₂e absorption, avoided greenhouse gas emissions, and biodiversity conservation.

Projects' eligibility criteria include ISO 14064-2 Validation and Verification by third-party, and demonstration of long-term project benefits. Projects must guarantee site protection for at least 10 years. By maintaining these standards, the Registry ensures that projects contribute meaningfully to carbon reduction, ecosystem restoration, and sustainable management practices.

Programmes and projects must be validated by third-party bodies, which shall themselves be accredited to ISO/IEC 17029, ISO 14065, ISO 14064-3 standards.

Ledger Summary

A quick overview to projects and credits

Total Projects


Total Credits


Available Credits


96.49% of total

Sold Credits


3.51% of total

Retired Credits


59.62% of sold

Progetto di sequestro e stoccaggio di CO2eq mediante la conservazione e il monitoraggio di Valle Bertuzzi (FE)

2019 Available Credits34,100 / 35,800
1,700 sold (1,040 retired)
2020 Available Credits34,390 / 35,800
1,410 sold (870 retired)
2021 Available Credits34,310 / 35,800
1,490 sold (800 retired)
2022 Available Credits34,210 / 35,800
1,590 sold (990 retired)
2023 Available Credits35,700 / 35,800
100 sold (50 retired)
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